Shifting Back

"Love Yourself" (c) 2012 Pranita Patel I often drink herbal teas, one brand that I especially like is Yogi Tea because they attach what I call "words of wisdom" to each of their tea bags. Today's message was,"There is nothing more precious than the self." It inspired today's blog post below. The other day when I was feeling stressed, I reminded myself to take a step back - literally! It felt almost like a pulling back, a moving back in my brain, and when I got there, a new set of feelings flowed through my body, one of peace, calm and expansion. I marveled at how quickly it happened. Sometimes I can go through life stressed, hurried, or on automatic and miss the signals my body is sending me. And when I do hear the message, I don't often have the clarity of mind to make the shift back into soul alignment, which I think is a good way of describing it. And so today I sit with the question, "What stops us from offering lov...