
Showing posts from October, 2014

Embracing Ourselves As We Are

Walt Whitman understood the importance of loving ourselves, all parts of ourselves, the light and the dark, the happy and the sad.  We cannot experience and understand one without the other.  The duality of life is within us, we do not have to go far beyond ourselves to understand this wisdom. The outside world also mirrors this duality, we need only observe.  Taking the time to contemplate what this means brings us to a deeper truth about ourselves and the world.   Do I contradict myself? Very well then I contradict myself, I am large, I contain multitudes. ~ WALT WHITMAN, "SONG OF MYSELF" Pranita 10/15/14

Putting the Puzzle Pieces Back Together Again

Dear Universe, The world feels a lot different today than yesterday which for me was roses and sunshine and joy. Today the skies are gray and the wind is shifting and moving and soon the front garden will be speckled with pine needles and leaves. My mind woke up with feelings of uncertainly, and later in the morning  I was confronted with an uncertain experience.  I could feel stress moving in and instead of dealing with it with my toolkit of self care (silence, meditation, writing, breathing, energy healing, taking a walk, etc.) I went and got a Starbucks Americano.  As the hours passed, I realized what an unwise choice it was, caffeine without food makes me jittery, though it provides immediate comfort it does not ultimately address my feelings and stress. And so now I breathe, and now I will take the time and sort through my feelings and piece myself back together again as if I was completing a puzzle. Keeping ourselves together is a daily practice, sometimes an h...

SoulFruit Journal 10/13/14

What a wonderful and delicious day it is.  The sun shone bright early this morning and by mid morning warm waves of air were caressing my arms and face. Today I felt contentment, I don't know where it came from, but there it was and a part of me couldn't completely embrace it - crazy as it sounds.  But I kept saying yes to it, and I slowly welcomed it in. It was as if I was telling myself it was okay to step into this state of being, this beauty, this higher vibration. Pranita 10/13/14

SoulFruit Sunday

Morning walks are blessings. The morning light is divine and the air is fresh and cool.  No need to shut yourself into a room at this hour for quietness, the world holds a quiet space for us to wander and roam in.   Such grand beauty! Enjoy pictures from my morning walk. Pranita 10/12/14

A Gentle SoulFruit Reminder to Self

Pranita 10/11/14

SoulFruit Moment

I saw the mountains in the distance today. How long has it been since I last noticed them. It was as if for a moment I connected with my soul, and when I looked up, I  expanded and encompassed all things. That which nourishes your soul, is SoulFruit. Pranita 10/7/14


Devi, the goddess, who goes by many names:  Lakshmi, Durga, Saraswati, Kali, Parvati and many other names in the Indian culture and various cultures around the world is honored and held sacred by millions of women and men around the world.  Her energy, shakti, weaves through everything, from the cellular to the cosmos. SHE is the cycles of nature. SHE is creation and destruction.  SHE is the planting and the harvesting. SHE is the seed and the tree.  SHE is day and night.  SHE is the light and the dark.  SHE brings suffering and she brings healing. SHE holds all possibilities.  SHE removes disillusionment, SHE cuts through the ego to the truth.  SHE is fierce. SHE is compassionate. SHE is loving. Today I honor her.  Today I renew my relationship with her. Pranita 10/1/14