Devi, the goddess, who goes by many names: Lakshmi, Durga, Saraswati, Kali, Parvati and many other names in the Indian culture and various cultures around the world is honored and held sacred by millions of women and men around the world. Her energy, shakti, weaves through everything, from the cellular to the cosmos. SHE is the cycles of nature. SHE is creation and destruction. SHE is the planting and the harvesting. SHE is the seed and the tree. SHE is day and night. SHE is the light and the dark. SHE brings suffering and she brings healing. SHE holds all possibilities. SHE removes disillusionment, SHE cuts through the ego to the truth. SHE is fierce. SHE is compassionate. SHE is loving.
Today I honor her. Today I renew my relationship with her.