Writing In Progress - My Soul's Work!

"An ordinary moonless night, the water far below her appeared dark, quiet, calm, asleep.  She stood on top of the mountain as a being of light. Light flew around her and into her, and poured out of her being. She looked behind the veil that stood between worlds.  She had experienced it before,  but today for the first time she understood it in that particular way.  This time she held on to the experience, she let it change her life, no longer comfortable in the routine, the humdrum, the rat race, she dived into the mystery of the other side, and when it was time to come back to the darkness, she made sure to not be afraid, and so the door to the other side remained open."

Excerpt from my upcoming book!  Enjoy the light, Pranita

"Summer Light" (c) 2016 Pranita Patel

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