The Body Is A River
(c) Pranita Patel
When I think of grounding I think of Mother Earth.  Native Americans and many indigenous groups around the world have a belief that the earth is a caring, nurturing living organism.  In ancient times, before patriarchy, societies believed in an Earth Mother Goddess - she embodied the cycle of creation, birth, growth, development, maturity, death, and rebirth.  Archaeologist Maria Gimbutas said the following about Earth Mother:

She continually performs the miracle of magical transformation.  Everything born from the earth is brimming with the life force.  Flower, tree, stone, hill, human, and animal alike are born from the earth, and all possess her strength. 

Wouldn't you want to ground your body in something that is nourishing, calming and embodies the natural cycles of our being?  In energy medicine we ground our bodies to the center of earth - I always think of it as grounding into Mother Earth.  I feel the wonderful song called, 'The River Is Flowing" by Diana Hildebrand-Hull carries the energy of the healing earth mother.  It goes,

Mother, carry me
Your child I will always be
Mother, carry me
down to the sea
When we connect our bodies to Mother Earth, we bring in HER healing energy into our bodies. The ancients knew this, and that is why they lived with nature instead of against it. They honored and respected her, knowing full well, that we are her children.  SHE brings us food, water and shelter.  

When you connect into and consciously bring in earth energy into your subtle and physical body systems, your body relaxes, you feel more peaceful and your body becomes a place where your spirit feels comfortable residing.  

There are many wonderful ways to ground. You can imagine that your body is part of a big tree trunk that goes all the way to the center of the earth. You could imagine, a waterfall flowing all the way down, or a golden pole, the possibilities are endless.  Or you could call on your sense of touch - what does it feel like to be grounded to Mother Earth. After you've established your grounding, see, feel, hear stress and worry flow down out of your body. Once you have grounded, you can then set the intention for healing earth energy to come up your feet and flow upward into your body. 

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