Summer Bliss

I am back home after a much needed two week break! My partner and I headed to Maui for some rest, relaxation and rejuvenation. We swam and snorkeled almost every day - the Maui waters are magical to me.  As I sat on our lanai a few days in, I noticed I felt more grounded and  more connected to nature. The clouds, the trade winds, the stars, the sun, the water all seem close enough to reach out and touch over there.

An unexpected malfunction also helped reconnect me with nature.  We did take a mini computer, but lucky for us, it decided not to work and therefore we were internet and email free for the whole two weeks - AND it was great. Wanting to maintain my relaxation as much as I can at home, I have noticed that taking deep breaths before, during, and after internet time helps me stay calm and within my own space.

"Summer Bliss" (c) Pranita Patel 2013

Our breath can tell us so much about ourselves - if we are willing to pay attention.  Stop and notice your breath right now, is it shallow, or deep, restful, or agitated.  Now close your eyes and take a deep breath, did you notice a difference.  Is it any wonder that so many of our spiritual traditions spoke about the importance of our breath--- they knew what they were talking about!!!  Our own breathing can move blocked, agitated, or stressed energy from our bodies. 

The artwork you see here was started before my trip,  a week or two before, I didn't intend to paint blue waves and big bright sun, but that is what developed as I progressed-- apparently my unconscious was ready for the trip.  I started working on the painting again when I got back and I decided it was time to share some "Summer Bliss" with you all!

Lastly, I did some writing with friends while in Maui.  Below is my poem entitled, "Gratitude".

clear, smooth, flowing, life giving--
your reach is far and wide
your call is continuous, as you
come in, go out
your pull is strong, and only stronger

yield, you say, yield to me -
day clothes off you say,
and I comply.  truth is what you are after
and so you cleanse me. 

in your waters, I become light
as the sound of my breath - in, out,
in, out.  a new family surrounds me,
gliding fish in rainbow colors, graceful stingrays,
florescent corals, and kind, friendly sea turtles. 

you are no less, and no more,
you whisper in waves,
as I float within your presence. 

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