SoulFruit Offering #3: Honor Your Unique Nature

As you move through resistance by bringing your spirit on board, it is also important to honor your unique nature in regards to how you express yourself in the world.  As much as we are similar, we all have qualities that make us unique. As you move through resistance, spend some time reflecting and understanding who you are, and how you best function. For example, as a teacher, I know that some of my students are more introverted and reflective and others are more extroverted.  One is not better than the other, but knowing this quality allows a teacher to respond appropriately to a child's needs or when resistance or obstacles show up.

A month ago, I realized that I wasn't doing much painting. I felt some resistance,  even though I wanted to paint. One weekend as my partner and I were rearranging furniture, I blurted out, I wish I could have my painting supplies and canvasses and easel downstairs - which has easier access to sinks and clean water. So I brought all my paint supplies down, and I have enjoyed more painting moments the last few weeks than the last several months.

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