Dreaming With Mother Earth
Do you hear the call of Mother Earth? And do you respond?
Do you go out for a walk? Do you go out for a bike ride? Do you spend time outdoors among flowers and trees and water? Have you looked up at the sky lately? Have you seen the moon? Have you seen a sunset or a sunrise? Have you felt the wind sweep your cheeks?
Have you moved beyond the four walls of your home or your office? So many things can keep us inside - the computer, our books, our couches, the television, our thoughts. These too have a place in our lives.
But have you given nature a chance? Have you looked up at the vast sky? Have you noticed the horizon in the distance? Have you looked at the stars in the sky?
Mother Nature is our home, it has many gifts to offer our souls, our bodies, our minds. No matter the continent we live on, we are all part of One Big Earth Family!